Thursday, December 26, 2019

Mmr Vaccine Vaccine Debate - 909 Words

MMR Vaccine Debate For years there has been public controversies over the advancements in science and all of the health risks that have been around, but now the use of the media has certainly boosted the amount of confusion throughout the public. Frightening stories regarding the progressions of science have been appearing online and in print. One particular example of this issue was the MMR vaccine debate. The MMR vaccine is an immunization vaccine which fights against rubella, measles, and mumps. During the 1990’s the media played a huge role in the decisions parents made regarding whether or not they allowed their children to get vaccinated. The media portrayed the MMR vaccine as having a possible link between autism. Which left the public worried about the MMR vaccine and having conflicting views and feelings towards the safety of vaccinations. In the MMR vaccine debate scientist and the media played two different roles which helped citizens make decisions regarding vaccination. The controversy over the MMR vaccine started in the late 1990’s when Andrew Wakefield suggested that there was a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism in a scientific paper which he had published with several other co-authors. Although there has not been a proven fact that the MMR vaccine is the causation to autism it has brought concerns to parents and has caused a major drop in immunization rates. For example, Dannetun et al., 2005 states that, â€Å"Fear of side effects and beliefsShow MoreRelatedVaccines Do Not Cause Autism Essay3070 Words   |  13 PagesVaccines have been used to prevent diseases for centuries, and have saved countless lives of children and adults. The smallpox vaccine was invented as early as 1796, and since then the use of vaccines has continued to protect us from countless life threatening diseases such as polio, measles, and pertussis. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) assures that vaccines are extensively tested by sci entist to make sure they are effective and safe, and must receive the approval of theRead MoreThe, Pro, And The Pro Choice1378 Words   |  6 PagesThere are two sides of this debate, the â€Å"pro-mandate† and the â€Å"pro-choice† and both will be discussed. I will argue using the pro-mandate utilitarian approach that all children, without medical exemption, should be required by the government to get the MMR vaccine, because vaccinations play a crucial role in public health and saving lives. First to be explained are each side of the argument. The history of vaccinations in order to disprove that humans haven’t had vaccines until recently. 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With more scientific discoveries the measles vaccine today has evolved to include immunity against rubella and mumps along with protecting millions against illness each year. However, vaccination is a word surrounded by controversy in today’s parenting worldRead MoreThe Debate On Safety And Vaccinating A Child2307 Words   |  10 PagesThe Debate on Safety and Vaccinating a Child In recent years, having children vaccinated has become mandatory for many states. It is well known and common knowledge that almost every child will have a vaccination at some point in their younger years. As a matter of a fact, in many vaccinated cases, a child must be vaccinated before the age of 5 or entering kindergarten for the safety of the child and others. There are a number of vaccinations children may receive under 5 years of age. 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The current threat of unvaccinated children, due to parental concern over the risk of adverse effects from vaccination including autism or religious choice is a major Canadian health concern and results in misconceptions, outbreaks, and general false fear in parent s. In 2001 a research paper titled â€Å"Ileal-lymphoid-nodularRead MoreMedia and Its Effects on Society1437 Words   |  6 Pagesassume and discuss. For instance, the vaccine controversy, an on-going debate whether or not vaccines cause autism, has not come to any conclusion, partly due to the media influence. The media attempts to provide equal coverage for both sides of the argument—the pro and the con vaccines—providing room for a few extremists to spread their pseudoscientific-based claims, resulting in public unease. Despite an overwhelming evidence rejecting the association between vaccines and autism, a number of parentsRead MoreCharles Darwin s Theory Of Evolution2015 Words   |  9 Pagescourse, vaccination. Few scientific words spark as much heated debate between scientists and lay people alike as vaccination, but over the past few decades, the practice has become the source of great scrutiny. But vaccinations have been used in medicine since Edward Jenner di scovered that inoculation with cowpox could provide immunity to small pox in 1796, and not only have they been used, but they have grown exponentially, with vaccines for life threatening and debilitating diseases such as rabiesRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism2594 Words   |  11 PagesSince the discovery of Autism Spectrum Disorder, there has been many debates on what causes this condition. When it was, a recent discovery scientist thought it could have been caused by many factors including psychological conditions and poor parenting. Now research has shifted in another direction (Wolf, 2004). In recent years, there has been a debate if childhood vaccinations or genetic mutations cause the disorder. This debate has led many parents to stop vaccinating their children in case it does

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Neither Wolf Nor Dog By Kent Nerburn - 872 Words

â€Å"†Here,† he said. â€Å"Give me your hand. We are brothers. You are my son. I pass to you my vision, even though I cannot pass to you my knowledge. There lies in the ground not far from here one who truly was my son. He could not bear the pain of knowing two truths. And so I give my vision to you who knows one one. Perhaps it will be easier to bear. Perhaps it will be easier to share.†Ã¢â‚¬  Throughout the book Neither Wolf Nor Dog by Kent Nerburn, the author travels a long way from his home to visit the reservation of a Native American elder named Dan. Nerburn agrees to write a book for Dan that will attempt to convey some aspects of American Indian life and truth in contrast to false images displayed in pop culture. This passage contributes to the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In a few sentences I had discovered more about Dan than I had learned in being around him for several months. It made me realize how closed-mouthed he had been†(237). Al though Nerburn and Dan are complete strangers at first, Dan has an understanding of Nerburn because of his ability to observe him. While Nerburn doesn’t learn much about Dan unless it is said. Nerburn’s understanding of Dan doesn’t start forming until later in the book because of how he likes to keep the upper hand, but when Nerburn learned more about Dan from his granddaughter, he began to develop a whole new understanding of Dan. The passage relates to the character development of Dan and Nerburn because by the end of their journey, they have a new understanding of each other, and an everlasting bond. Once Nerburn learns to observe Dan, he begins to understand him deeper. For example, when Nerburn and Dan get into a heated discussion about Indian children, Nerburn is able to observe Dan. â€Å"This conversation was too loaded. I wanted out of it. But Dan was anxious for more. He was obviously pleased with my admissions†(260). Nerburn realizes that by observing like Dan, he can keep the upper hand like Dan does. Additionally, now that Nerburn and Dan are able to understand each other better, they develop a stronger connection and start thinking alike. For example, while Nerburn and Dan visiting wounded knee, Dan says â€Å"You have spoken well. Your words could have been my words. I, too amShow MoreRelatedNative Americans and the Issue of Alcoholism Essay1673 Words   |  7 Pagesfilms depict Indians in a violent or stereotypical way, suggesting that all Indians are afflicted with drug and alcohol problems† (par. 3). This stereotype has gone as far as to have people believe that Indians are either wise old men, or drunks (Nerburn pg. 185). Scientific study also is affected by these stereotype and leads to biased results. Recent studies were found to have false results about the percentage of Native American alcoholics from two reservations. Even though the results of the newRead MoreSummary Of Niebuhrs Moral Man And Immoral Society1375 Words   |  6 Pageshis argument that the economic standing of a group determines their ethical and social outlook. His argument that a group formed from similar economic conditions will share similar perspectives of society is supported by the observations by Gilkey, Nerburn, Plato and Kotlowitz. In chapter 5, Niebuhr explains how dominant groups characterize their morals, stating â€Å"[t]he moral attitudes of dominant and privileged groups are characterized by universal self-deception and hypocrisy† (Niebuhr 117). DominantRead MoreThe Ghost Dance: Intention vs. Result800 Words   |  4 PagesJohansen, Bruce E., Pritzker, Barrym. Ed. Encyclopedia of American Indian History. Vol I. Santa Barbara: ABC.CLIO Inc, 2005. Print. â€Å"Native American Legends.† The Ghost Dance- A Promise of Fulfillment. 2003-Present. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Nerburn, Kent. Neither Wolf Nor Dog. Novato: New World Library, 1994. Print. Richardson, Heather Cox. Wounded Knee: Party Politics and the Road to an American Massacre. New York: Basic Books. 2010. Print. â€Å"The Tragedy of Wounded Knee (The Ghost Dance).† YouTube. YouTube

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Changing Self Is a Complex Process free essay sample

Discuss with relation to the Kite Runner, Tsotsi and one other related text. Changing self is part and parcel of life. However it must be acknowledged that change to doesn’t come easily. The texts that I have studied have been instrumental in developing my understanding of the concept of changing self been a complex process. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Housseini is a story of Amir’s journey to redemption. This requires him to confront his past and demons and in the process he becomes his own barrier to resist his change.Similarly in Tsotsi, a film directed by Gavin Hood explores the journey of redemption of a thug names Tsotsi where he too in the process becomes his own barrier, resisting change. Tsotsi also feels disconnected with his past in the process of change. The newspaper article â€Å"With a song in his hear†, by Terry Smith (Sun Herald) is a story of a man who achieved his dream of singing because he was willing to change. It shows us the barriers people need to face in order to change and also explores that how sometimes changing self requires a complete change in a person.All these make the process of change complex and have definitely shaped my understanding of the complexities that comes with change or in its process. The process of changing self can be difficult because one could make oneself the barrier resisting change. In the Kite Runner, when Soraya opens up to Amir on her past life, Amir chooses not to admit his haunting secrets. The line where Soraya states â€Å"You need to know I don’t want to start with secrets. And I’d rather you hear it from me† is ironical as Amir is keeping a secret too.The short sentences reflect of confronting tone is depictive of the confrontation Amir needs to make with his own haunting secrets. Even though Soraya is opening up to him, Amir chooses not to open up about his past. The quote† I envied her. Her secrets were out. Spoken. Dealt with. I opened my mouth and almost told her how I had betrayed Hassan, lied, driven him out and destroyed a forty year old friendship between Baba and Ali. But I didn’t. The short sentences couples with the language of resolution mirrors Amir’s jealousy of Soraya who has just opened up about her past as he envies he has the courage to do so.The high modality in â€Å"I didn’t† reinforces that Amir was given an opportunity to change, and instead of embracing it he choose not to make effective use of the opportunity This makes change difficult as he his own enemy on his journey to inner redemption Similarly in Tsotsi like Amir we see Tsotsi rejecting the opportunity to change when Boston confronts him. as he is his own barrier resisting his change. When Boston interrogates him after the crime on the Train, eventhough we see Tsotsi pausing contemplating, he responds to Butcher with Violence.The line â€Å" Decency.. you know the word? Tsotsi, Thug? That’s not your real name.. and when she left you. .. may be it hurt†. The confronting language and the series of questions aims to confront Tsotsi and make him re evaluate his actions. Boston’s tone is firm and interrogating. The juxtaposition if the dancing in the background of the bar with the stillness of Tsotsi’s face when the dialogue is spoken makes us realise that Tsotsi is contemplating. However he chooses to respond with violence and beats up Boston severely. Immediately, we see Tsotsi running into the darkness of the night from the bar which is reflects the darkness Tsotsi chooses to remain in rather than reforming. On the same night Tsotsi shoots a woman and steels her car. This shows us that Tsotsi hasn’t changed. Even though Boston interrogation should have served a catalyst for Tsotsi to change, he chooses not to, making his process of change a complex one, as he rejects the opportunity like Amir. Studying â€Å"With a song in his heart† I realized that changing self a complex process because it requires a lot of effort and sacrifice.For Smith enrolling in a music program and meeting the demands of it wasn’t easy. The line â€Å"It was a steep learning curve, but determination kept him going† reinforces this idea. The use of the adjective â€Å"Steep† describes the depth of difficulty of changing self and the metaphor steep learning curve mirrors the idea of change been a complex process. In order for him to pay for his music tuition, which was an outlet for him to change from his wild lifestyle to a better one, it was imperative that he had to fund for his music lessons, which wan’t easily accessible.The quote â€Å"To pay the bills and the rent, and to pay for singing lessons I was working 50-60 hours a week. This makes us understand that money was a barrier and to overcome it he had to work hard. The very straightforward and factual sentences devoid of superfluous language adds to the ongoing list of effort that he needed to put in, in order to have the opportunity to change and makes the process seem daunting. However unlike Amir and Tsotsi, Smith doesn’t create barriers for his process of change but rather overcomes the barriers, even though the process s demanding and complex. The Kite Runner further endorses the idea that changing self is one that is a difficult process as it requires people to go back and confront their past in order to seek redemption. In the Kite Runner, Amir is guilty of not interrupting the rape of Hassan. He bears this guilt for the rest of his life, and realizes that he needs to access his past to seek redemption. Going back to the past and atoning his sins, involves a heavy process of confrontation. This makes it an arduous task and requires a lot of effort.The quote â€Å"My body was broken –just how badly I wouldn’t find out until later-but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed† reflects the idea that for Amir in order to redeem himself and save Shohrab, it required him to have a confrontation with Asseff. We see that he indulges and accepts to face Asseff, in order to redeem himself. The repetitive use of the word healed emphasizes and mirrors the psychological healing he endures after the beating. The use of the word â€Å"broken† to describe his body is suggestive of the price he had to pay in order to seek redemption and save Shohrab.This makes changing self a difficult process for him. As a result for in order for Amir to change he was forced to confront one his biggest fears. Studying Tsotsi made me realise that changing self may result in a sense of disconnection with people once familiar to them. In Tsotsi, we see realise that Tsotsi feels disconnected with Aap as he changes himself. The dialogue between Aap and Tsotsi when Tsotsi says â€Å" Come on brother† Aap replies â€Å"You’re right, we are finished, It’s over like Butcher. It’s finished and done boy† reflects the rejection Tsotsi receives as he chose to kill Butcher instead of Mr.John. The truncated sentences mirror the disconnection Tsotsi feels with his past and add to the finality of their friendship. Since Tsotsi is in the process of changing himself and chooses to do the right thing he is rejected by his childhood best friend. Tsotsi’s silence during the scene reflects Tsotsi pondering is symbolic of the friendship he will lose where Aap would be an eternal silence in his life. As the camera takes a close up of Tsotsi’s face we see a face of determination embedded with sorrow. This makes us realise that he feels disconnected with the Aap at this moment and he is sorry about it, but he knows that letting go of Aap is best for him. Nonetheless he seems disconnected with his past and it made me realise that changing self is not easy but a journey filled with complexities. In with a song I was made to understand that changing self requires a complete shift in personality and life style. In â€Å"with a song in his heart† before Smith took the decision to change himself, he is presented to us as a person who didn’t have control of his own life.The quote: â€Å"There was no discipline, no boundaries and by the time I was 14 I was in trouble with the law and constantly running away for weeks at a time†, demonstrates his life status before the change. The repetitive use of the word â€Å"no† adds negative tone and at the same time mirrors the negativity that pervaded in his life at that time. The repetition also serves to imply the lack of limitations and the high modality of the word â€Å"no† emphasizes very clearly, what he lacked in life. When he responded to the change he needed to change completely as a person.The quote â€Å"I went through a period of huge personal growth and you come out at the end as a different person with different ideas on life, different values† The repetitive use of the word â€Å"different† implies the different facets that were changed in his life, which were values, ideas and on the whole a completely different person than to what you started as. This shift and change in personality is not easy and makes changing challenging. In conclusion it is true to say that changing self is a complex process. It is a process filled with barriers and obstacles.In the Kite Runner, change wasn’t an easy process for Amir. It required him to confront one of his greatest fears Asseff and also standing up for something on his own. He also was his own barrier resisting change, when he didn’t embrace the opportunities to change. Overall these made his process of change complex. In Tsotsi, we see, Tsotsi having to face a phase of discontinuation with his past life and friends when he was rejected by his friends and he chose to make the difficult decision of changing and alienating his friends rather than continuing to be a part of the underworld activities.Tsotsi was also at a point his own barrier resisting his change. These two reason were a few that made Tsotsi journey to change and redemption complex. In with a song in his heart Smith had to do undergo a complete shift in personality and at the same time had to look for ways to overcome his lack of money in order to pay for music which was the reason for his change. These made the process of changing self complex for him. Inevitably changing self is arduous, complex and difficult but if its rewards are to be positive the struggle in incontestably worth all of it.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Wild Oats an Example by

Wild Oats Wild Oats is an organic natural foods retail company that is dedicated toward providing organic and all natural products as well as provides customers with information to support healthy lifestyles. In 2003, the small health food retailer noted that trends indicated that there would be a boom in the marketplace for organic and all natural food products. In reaction to these trends company officials developed a well capitalized and aggressive plan to become a leader in this newly emerging market. Need essay sample on "Wild Oats" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The plan, although well intended, ended in 2007 when major competitor Whole Foods bought out the retailer after the company sunk into debt by approximately $106 million. The companys main strategy was to open 25 new stores by 2005, (Wild Oats; All Natural Food Market, 2003). Establishing a nationwide store base provides a platform to expand unique brand presence and awareness, (Wild Oats; All Natural Food Market, p. 21). The company planned to utilize its national and regional distributional infrastructure as well as a scalable marketing and advertising campaign to increase consumer awareness and establish a solid repeat customer base. At the time of their report the company was performing strong. However, tough competition from other health food retailers including Whole Foods, Trader Joes and health food sections in conventional stores such as Kroger and Wal-mart came at a time when the company had invested much money in new stores. In addition the housing market and economy had already begun to decline by 2007. Ultimately, the company took on too many long term projects that restricted their ability to be price competitive at a time when the county was entering tough economic times. Whole Foods, however, had already established themselves well in advance of the economic slump and were able to make the investment and acquire Wild Oats Reference Wild Oats; All Natural Food Market. (2003). Wild Oats Market Investors Event.